Machines, Guns and Shear Connectors

stud welding machine

Shear Stud Welding Machines

We manufacture a qualitative and durable range of shear connectors. These shear connectors are designed in such a way that its composite structure can make the best use of two 2 different material joined together in the connector.

shear stud guns drawn arc

Stud Welding Gun

Artech manufacturers shear connector stud welding machines and guns. The guns are designed for specifically welding small to large diameter studs, conveniently. The gun operates with DC power sources and is pistol shaped tool with a compensating lift mechanism when performing the welding.

shear stud welding price

Shear Connectors

Headed Shear connectors are create a strong connection points to provide stability for shear loading forces. The base of applications of shear connectors in building and structural construction is increasing rapidly.

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Contact us to know the best price on Shear Connector Studs or submit a business inquiry online.

Looking for high-quality Shear Connector Studs?